To update risk settings go to Configurator > Trade Copier > Copier Configuration > Risk Settings.
Risk By Balance:
Send To balance divided by the Copy From balance, multiplied by the Copy From lot size multiplied by the Multiplier value. 25 (Send To Balance) /100 (Copy From Balance) x 1 (Copy From Lot Size) x 1 (Multiplier Value) = 0.25 (Send To Lot Size)
Risk By Equity:
Send To equity divided by the Copy From equity, multiplied by the Copy From lot size multiplied by the Multiplier 25 (Send To Equity) /100 (Copy From Equity) x 1 (Copy From Lot Size) x 1 (Multiplier Value) = 0.25 (Send To Lot Size)
Lot Multiplier:
For example, with the Multiplier set at 2, if the Copy From takes a 1 lot trade the Send To will take a 2 lot trade. 1 (Copy From Lot Size) x 2 (Multiplier) = 2 (Send To Lot Size)
Fixed Lot When using fixed lot all trades taken by the Copy From will be copied to the Send To at the defined Fixed Lot value. It does not matter how big or small the Copy From lot size is, it will always be the defined Fixed Lot value.